The Tiffen Company Unveils Website Redesign

The Tiffen Company Unveils Website Redesign

HAUPPAUGE, NY- March 12, 2019 – The Tiffen Company, the leading manufacturer of imaging accessories for the consumer/professional imaging and the motion picture and broadcast television industries, announces today a complete redesign of their website

Visitors can now browse through more engaging imagery and content on Tiffen products such as Tiffen Filters, Steadicam camera stabilizers, Domke camera bags, Lowel locations lighting, Davis & Sanford tripods and monopods, Stroboframe flash brackets, and Zing neoprene camera covers as well as informational stories from Tiffen’s Ambassadors. All of this information has been designed to help visitors pick the products that will work best for their needs.

“This modern redesign of the Tiffen website aligns with our mission to not only consistently create innovative high-quality products and superior optics, but also to educate and inspire photographers and filmmakers to go out into the world and create their own visual stories,” said Andrew Tiffen, SVP of Marketing, The Tiffen Company. “The goal is to provide an appealing end to end solution that provides image makers and content creators access to inspiring stories from the influencers they look up to and to connect with the Tiffen Company.”

About Tiffen

For over 80 years, Tiffen has been helping those in the consumer/professional imaging and the motion picture and broadcast television industries create the world’s greatest images by providing them with innovative products and services. Tiffen is a leading manufacturer of imaging accessories, including: Tiffen optical photographic filters and lens accessories; Steadicam camera stabilizing systems; Lowel location lighting equipment; Domke camera bags and Zing camera covers; Davis & Sanford tripods and support systems; and Stroboframe flash brackets.

For more information on Tiffen, please visit


For more information contact:

Kayla Marzo

(631) 609-3124

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