The 58mm Scenic Enhancement Kit 3 from Tiffen is almost a must for anyone who enjoys shooting outdoors capturing vivid landscapes and vistas. With this kit, you will be able to transform a simple scene into an image worth framing.
Sunset Color Grad
Often it is necessary or desirable to balance the light intensity in one part of a scene with another. This is especially true in situations where you don't have total light control, as in bright contrasty landscapes. A Graduated Sunset filter can change an ordinary sunrise or sunset into something spectacular by adding intensity to the sky. It will enhance the sky while leaving the lower half of the filter unaffected.
Sometimes it is also desirable to add color to part of the photograph. For example, to add blue to only the sky. The Sunset Color Graduated filter is half-color, half-clear, with a graduated transition for blending into the scene.
Enhancing Filter
This filter is a combination of rare earth elements in glass. It removes a portion of the spectrum in the orange region, increasing the color saturation of reddish objects by eliminating the muddy tones and maximizing the red hues with minimal effect on other colors.
We all love Autumn. When the leaves begin to change color, we're all left breathless by their eternal beauty. Capturing those stunning colors on film or digital becomes a priority for any avid photographer. The Enhancing filter is a most valuable tool when it comes to this kind of nature photography. An Enhancer increases the saturation of the red/orange end of the spectrum and makes earth tones thoroughly saturated and vibrant. Colors appear to "pop".
You will find that the Enhancing filter works best in early morning or later afternoon photography - when the light is intense rather than the semi-washed out illumination of mid-day. This filter is also optimized for use during the overcast days of Autumn. Try it on an old barn or wooden bridge.
Tiffen makes the Enhancing filter in many sizes to accommodate the many uses this filter has. This filter can be used by the pro and amateur alike, weekend photo warrior or pro cinematographer and must be considered an essential addition to any photo arsenal.
Color Graduated Neutral Density
This filter enables the shooter to adjust exposure without affecting color balance.
Often it is necessary or desirable to balance the light intensity in one part of a scene with another. This is especially true in situations where you don't have total light control, as in bright contrasty landscapes. Exposing for the foreground will produce a washed-out, over-exposed sky while exposing for the sky will leave the foreground dark and under-exposed. This filter enables cloud detail to be kept correctly exposed in the picture.
Determining which graduated neutral density filter yields ideal results for any given lighting situation takes knowledge, experience and a collection of such filters. Choose the filter strength which adjusts the lighting to stay within the exposure latitude (greatest difference between bright/dark values) which still shows details in both of the digital or film medium in use. Neutral density filters are available in 1, 2, 3, or 4 stops to suit individual situations.