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The Tiffen Company

Tiffen Filter Wheel 3 3mm/4pt Grid Star Effect Glass Filter

Regular price $ 140.00 USD
Regular price $ 280.00 USD Sale price $ 140.00 USD
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Tiffen Star Overview

Tiffen Filter Wheel 3 3mm/4pt Grid Star Effect Glass Filter create multiple points of light, or "stars," streaking outward from a central light source.  These filters come in a rotating mount for critical placement of the star effect.


Wedding photographers will especially appreciate the value of this filter. When it comes to special effects shots, why not offer your client a table shot of the menu or invitation next to a glowing, star-filled candle?

Shooting at night? Make that street lamp take on a different, more dramatic appearance by using the star filter. Any point light source will achieve the effect

The effect is produced by a series of thin lines etched into the flat optical surface of a clear filter
The size and brightness of the star lines produced are first a function of the size, shape, and brightness of the light source: You have additional control through the choice of a particular spacing between the lines on the filter
These spacings are measured in millimeters and range from 1mm to 4mm: A 1mm spacing has twice as many lines as a 2mm spacing and will produce a brighter star for any given source
Lines in one direction produce a two-pointed star, just a streak through the center of the light
Tiffen offers 4, 6, and 8 point symmetrical star effects as well as additional asymmetrical star patterns through their exclusive Hollywood/FX Series (North, Hyper, Vector and Hollywood star effects)
With an 8 point filter, the many star lines may tend to overpower the rest of the image, so use it carefully. Generally, mid-range apertures or larger are sufficient to achieve a good star effect. Always test before critical situations.
Key Features
  • Creates a Unique Mood Shot
  • Works Best with Point Light Source